So today my firstborn turns the ripe old age of nine. I want to recognize this day first, by reflecting on this day nine years ago.
I had gone in for a routine appointment. It was my first of the two-week appointments. Let me preface by saying, I have an amazing O.B.! My sister also goes to the same doctor. She had already had her first, and her first was large! My sister in-law had also had her first, and her first was even larger! Due to this history she was concerned about my babies size. So she wanted to do an ultrasound on this appointment (my fifth during this pregnancy). I went in and they noticed my fluid was low. I was sent home on bedrest for the weekend and told to drink a lot of fluids. I was to come back Monday. Monday came and I had another ultrasound. This time the water was still low, but they noticed something wrong with the baby's profile that wasn't there before. I was scheduled for another ultrasound up at the U of U hospital which specializes in "late" term ultrasounds. I went Tuesday morning for my appointment. When I got there they took a look and found no water, that's right she said she could see no pockets of water. She also said the problem with his profile was because I had no water he was being crushed down into the birth canal and all his skin was rippling on his forehead. She sent me directly to my hospital to labor and delivery. I was 3 1/2 weeks away from my due date. I checked in at noon and by seven that night I was holding my healthy 7.1 lb (large)baby boy Conner Ashton Carlile. My doctor also commented that she had never seen a larger umbilical cord. She couldn't clamp it because of it's size. I can't tell you how many blogs I've read lately of people who had a stillbirth because of a "cord-incident". I realize how differently my outcome could have been if things hadn't happened the way they did. I am thankful for modern medicine and a doctor that was on top of things. I am so grateful that this is a day I celebrate the "birth" and "life" of my sweet boy! I love you Conner and I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. Thank you Heavenly Father for trusting him in my care and for intervening nine years ago.
Face it We are getting old! Darling kids.
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